NMSHMM Roadrunner Logo

 New Mexico Society of Hazardous Materials Managers
PO Box 40635 • Albuquerque, NM 87196 •

NMSHMM Membership

If you are interested in joining NMSHMM and would like more information, please complete the form on this page and submit it to us electronically. Someone from our Membership committee will contact you within the next two weeks with more information. If you would like to talk with someone directly, please feel free to contact any of our Board Members or Committee Chairs or just send a message to .

To join NMSHMM or to renew your NMSHMM membership, please choose one of the following three options:

  1. Download a copy of the NMSHMM brochure in Adobe Acrobat format, print it, then fill it out and mail it to NMSHMM with your check for $30 (NOTE: Requires FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If you do not already have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, please use the link above to download and install it.);
  2. Fill out the form on this page, print it, then mail it to NMSHMM with your check for $30;
  3. Click here to use our Secure On-Line Form to pay your dues using a credit card (MasterCard or VISA only, please).

With options 1 or 2 above, please mail your form and payment to:

P.O. Box 40635
Albuquerque, NM 87196

Your $30 NMSHMM dues payment provides you with:

  • A monthly newsletter that includes an extensive regional calendar of events, job openings and resumes, a featured member profile, and articles of interest
  • A comprehensive web site that includes a job posting bulletin board, industry news, and training opportunities
  • The opportunity to support and contribute to your community and your profession
  • A membership directory
  • Membership events that include:
  • the annual membership meeting and dinner where new officers are installed
  • monthly luncheons with featured speakers
  • a December holiday meeting
  • networking opportunities

PRIVACY NOTICE: Filling out this form places your information in the NMSHMM database. This Email-based list provides an easy way for us to provide information about NMSHMM to our members and other interested parties. NMSHMM will not rent or sell your name to third party companies, although it may be used for joint mailings between NMSHMM and other organizations.

You can also update your NMSHMM information electronically by submitting this form with the "Please Update My Information" option selected below.

PLEASE NOTE: It is important that you fill out all of the information necessary for us to contact you. If you do not provide your name and at least phone, fax, or email information, your request for information cannot be processed. Thank you. "Required" fields are listed in bold.

Type of Request
Preferred Mailing Address
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Email Address
Phone (With Area
Code and Country Code)

Fax (With Area
Code and Country Code)
Web Site Address
New Member Referral: If you were referred
to NMSHMM by a current member, please
include that member's name
NMSHMM requires member participation to maintain its standing as a
respected and dynamic group of environmental professionals. Indicate
your interest in one or more of the following NMSHMM committees.
NMSHMM Committee Interest
(check all that apply)
Conference Coordination
Education/Professional Development
Legislative Affairs
Northern NM
Programs / Special Events
MEMBERS ONLY: May we include
your basic information in our on-line
member database?
Yes, you can include my information.
No, I prefer not to be listed on-line.
PLEASE NOTE: This information will only
be available from the "RESTRICTED"
version of this web site