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 New Mexico Society of Hazardous Materials Managers
PO Box 40635 • Albuquerque, NM 87196 •

Calendar of Events

October NMSHMM Joint-Chapter Technical Meeting
October 10, 2024 | 11am-12pm MT (Zoom)

Topic: Artificial Intelligence and System Safety

Artificial intelligence (AI) is in our everyday lives. AI is a general-purpose technology across industries including transportation, healthcare, financial services, and industrial engineering. An understanding of AI is imperative for the system safety engineer.

AI is perceived intelligence exhibited by machines, particularly computer systems, as opposed to the natural intelligence of living beings. AI is a field of research in computer science that develops and studies methods and software which enable machines to perceive their environment and uses learning and intelligence to take actions that maximize their chances of achieving defined goals. Development of AI systems must consider system safety aspects reflecting standard practices with system safety engineering. The discussion will provide a general discussion on the incorporation of system safety engineering into the development of AI systems as well as the use of AI to perform system safety.


Kelsey L Forde, CIH, CSP, CHMM

Ms. Kelsey Forde is a Certified Industrial Hygienist, Certified Safety Professional, Certified Hazardous Materials Manager, Laser Safety Officer, Owner/President and Principal Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Professional and System Safety Engineer for Parvati Consulting LLC & Parvati Government Services Inc., home-based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Kelsey earned a Master of Science degree in Environment, Health, and Safety and a Bachelor of Science degree in Cellular Biology (with Chemistry and Pre-Pharmacy Minor) from the University of Minnesota and has nearly 20-years of experience as an EHS professional including performing and guiding hazards analyses that adhere to the principles in the “Redbook” – Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, 3rd Ed (CCPS 2008). Ms. Forde’s primary responsibilities and areas of expertise are centered around the identification of workplace hazards and development of consequence analysis associated with hazard analysis, safety assessments, primary hazard screens, readiness reviews, and compliance auditing techniques for a variety of clients including the Department of Energy (DOE), commercial, industrial, and private clients. Additionally, Kelsey was a notable major contributor to the update of DOE-HDBK-1163-2020, Integration of Hazard Analyses, and 2022 Energy Facilities Contractor Group (EFCOG) Teamwork Award recipient for these efforts.

Ms. Forde is a National Director, 2023/2024 Chair & Distinguished Lecturer for the Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP); Chair for the Energy Facilities Contractors Group (EFCOG) Safety Basis Task Group; Vice-Chair/Secretary for the Energy Facilities Contractors Group (EFCOG) Hazard Analysis Task Group; Past-President, Delegate, & current President for the New Mexico Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP); Past-President and Director at Large for the New Mexico Society of Hazardous Materials Managers (NMSHMM; an AHMP Chapter); President for the New Mexico Chapter of the International System Safety Society (ISSS). Kelsey is a long-time supporter, sponsor, and presenter for the International System Safety Society (ISSS), Semiconductor Environment Safety and Health Association (SESHA), American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), and Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP). Ms. Forde historically served two consecutive Mayoral Appointed terms on the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Joint Air Quality Control Board (ABQ Air Board). In 2022, Kelsey was bestowed the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Safety Professional of the Year (SPY) Award by the New Mexico Chapter.

Timothy S Stirrup, CSP, CHMM, REM

Mr. Timothy Stirrup is a Certified Safety Professional, Certified Hazardous Materials Manager, Registered Environmental Manager, Industrial Hygienist, Laser Safety Officer, Partner and Principal Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Professional and System Safety Engineer with Parvati Consulting LLC & Parvati Government Services Inc., home-based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Tim holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Bachelor of Science degree Chemistry from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NM Tech) and has over 35-years of experience as an EHS professional, including performing and guiding hazards analyses that adhere to the principles in the “Redbook” – Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, 3rd Ed (CCPS 2008). Mr. Stirrup’s primary responsibilities and areas of expertise are centered around establishing the framework for clients in Hazard Analysis within a diverse set of industrial facilities including nuclear facilities, accelerators, semiconductor facilities, R&D laboratories, and dynamic energetic materials testing facilities. Mr. Stirrup provides direct input to Line/Executive Management and Regulators to ensure solutions for continued organizational success. Tim is respected for his ability to work with highly functional teams and solve diverse, complex problems.

Mr. Stirrup currently serves as President for the New Mexico Society for Hazardous Materials Managers (NMSHMM); Past President for the New Mexico Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP); President for the International System Safety Society (ISSS) Virtual Chapter; Vice President for the New Mexico Chapter of the International System Safety Society (ISSS); Communications & Social Media Operating Vice-President (OVP) for the International System Safety Society (ISSS). Timothy has served on numerous professional committees and boards throughout his tenure [such as Energy Facilities Contractors Group (EFCOG); Accelerator Safety Work-group (ASW); Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA)] and has much experience in leading teams. Mr. Stirrup is an AHMP Distinguished Lecturer and is continually asked by clients, peers, and professionals in the EHS community to present at both local and national EHS, Industrial Hygiene, and Occupational Safety conferences.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 841 7677 3137
Passcode: 041739

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Meeting ID: 841 7677 3137
Passcode: 041739

Upcoming Technical Meeting Dates & Info

November 8, 2024 - TBD
December 13, 2024 - TBD
January 10, 2025 - TBD
February 13, 2025 - TBD
March 13, 2025 - TBD
April 17, 2025 - TBD
May - Tentative PDC
June 5, 2025 - TBD

As always, if you are interested in speaking (or have a suggestion with contact info), please shoot me an email at .

Other Announcements

Call for Volunteers:

NMSHMM is actively recruiting volunteers to help serve on the Board of Directors, committees, plan membership events, and help mold the NMSHMM Chapter to fit the needs of our Members. We are looking for people to help with technical meetings, membership outreach, volunteer activities, webpage/newsletter content, and much, much more... If you or a colleague is interested in participating in NMSHMM leadership, please reach out to anyone in the current NMSHMM Leadership and/or talk to NMSHMM Leadership at an upcoming Technical Meeting or other NMSHMM event.

Your Expertise Wanted:

NM ASSP Zia Section Chair, Ms. Juanita Miller, is requesting your expertise, experiences, and lessons learned in laboratory management and Experimental Safety Plans (ESPs). Ms. Miller is specifically requesting collaboration with colleagues from diverse and complex organizations such as LANL, SNL, NREL, NNSA, UNM, etc. in association with her efforts to streamline documentation and training requirements within the Chemical Engineering Department at NMSU. Share your expertise within our NM ASSP community and collaborate with fellow ASSP Leaders.